Patrol Division

The most visible front-line employees of the Conway Police Department are the dedicated men and women of the Patrol Division.  The Patrol Division is tasked with answering calls for service for simple complaints such as illegal parking to the most serious criminal activity within the Town of Conway.  The Patrol Division is made up of Patrol Officers, Master Patrol Officers, Sergeants, a Lieutenant, and the Chief of Police.  All sworn members of the Conway Police Department are required to pass an extensive background investigation, a written test, psychological test, physical fitness test, polygraph or voice stress analysis, and an oral board interview in front of multiple members of the department before being selected for employment.  Upon being given a conditional offer of employment, those who are selected for a position within the Patrol Division are sent to the New Hampshire Police Standard and Training Council in Concord for 16 weeks of training to be a certified Full-Time Police Officer within the State of New Hampshire.  Additionally, there is a twelve (12) week field training program that the recruit must pass in order to continue their employment with the Conway Police Department.   There are several opportunities for career growth within the Conway Police Department's Patrol Division and we take pride in providing training opportunities for all sorts of police-oriented topics for our officers.  A few of our specialized positions within the Patrol Division are listed below:

For more information on the Patrol Division and available openings feel free to check out our employment page by clicking here.  For all requests for ride-a-long or internships with the Conway Police Department please contact the Conway Police Department by calling (603) 356-5715 or emailing