TAR Team

Conway Police Department

Traffic Accident Reconstruction (TAR) Team

The TAR (Traffic Accident Reconstruction) team is tasked with investigating all traffic crash fatalities as well as traffic crashes potentially involving a criminal offense, which result in serious bodily injury or death within the Town of Conway.  Officers assigned to the TAR team receive specialized training to recognize and properly document evidence present at these crash scenes.  The Conway Police Department TAR team utilizes a state-of-the-art robotic total station to assist in the documentation of crash scenes. 

Current members of the TAR team include Sergeant Ryan  Wallace, Master Patrolman Shawn Baldwin, and Sergeant Jaymes Lapoint. Sgt. Wallace and MPtl. Baldwin have completed a two week At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation/Traffic Homicide Investigation course.  Sgt. Lapoint has completed a total of six weeks of training including the At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation, Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation, and ending with Traffic Crash Reconstruction.  Additionally, Sgt. Lapoint has attended courses of various lengths on topics such as Motorcycle Crash Investigation, Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Investigation, and Forensic Evidence at Crash Fatalities.   All of the TAR team trainings have been through IPTM, or the Institute of Police Technology and Management.